February 14, 2011

When Benny was a Puppy

Here's Ben when we first got him. He was about 5 months old. This was back in 2003 when we still lived in Montclair.

He was quite a handful! We sent him to board with a trainer for 2 weeks. It turned into 3 weeks, and at the end he could walk on a leash and sit on command. But that was about it!

Since then he's learned a repertoire of tricks but he's still a handful. He has a fearsome growl that scares people, and sometimes he still pulls on the leash. Training continues.


  1. Gorgeous boy!
    As an owner of an independent terrier, Ben sounds like my kind of dog! I love a dog you have to out think.
    My Missy has a fearsome play growl.. she'd probably love Ben too :) xx

  2. Thanks Pat! Ben is a challenge. I've seen his growl scare grown men. It makes me jump sometimes!


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