August 30, 2010

Filtered Water

Lake Laura in Basye

I used a couple of filters in Photoshop to make it look like a painting (I hope).

See pictures of Lake Laura posted two years ago here. I took those in the resort at the other end of the lake.


  1. hi linda, i grew up in virginia too... btw, was it you that told me you could do reverse email lookups? was this the site you were talking about??? i was going to it and it was not showing up...

  2. Mandie, I don't recall doing a reverse email lookup although I have plugged an email address in a regular search engine more than once. Most folks don't list their email in a directory for privacy reasons.

    There are sites that say they can do what you are asking but I don't know how well they perform, and some ask you to pay for information before they show it to you.


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