March 6, 2009

Events: John Brown's Raid

The year 2009 marks the 150th anniversary of John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry, WV. See the John Brown anniversary events scheduled for April and May.

This is a chance to visit the Kennedy Farm, where John Brown and his followers secretly prepared to attack Harper''s Ferry. The town of Harper's Ferry is well worth a visit also, especially if you've never been there. The National Historical Park is fascinating, and the town itself is scenic and unique.
About the picture: I photographed these wax figures in the Kennedy Farmhouse, and used Photoshop filters to share the eerie feeling that they gave me.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't wax figures supposed to appear realistic? Why would two guys be standing side by side looking at (presumably) the wall? Nice effect with the photoshop, though.


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