January 13, 2009

A New Prescription Finally

I finally got a new prescription from the gastroenterologist, two prescriptions actually. I had to drive to Winchester (an hour away) for it because the doctor did not return any of my (three) phone calls. The appointment was made before the breath test, and I would have preferred to have canceled it, but I needed the medicine, so we spend the entire afternoon obtaining it.

After a long wait in the waiting room and another 15 minutes waiting in the examining room, I finally saw Dr. S. He gave me a prescription for Rifaximin, which I was happy to get because I had already researched it online and it sounded ideal. Then he said it could be VERY expensive, even four hundred dollars, so he also wrote out a prescription for Flagyl in case insurance would not pay for the first. I took Flagyl last year and didn't like it because it made everything I ate taste terrible.

I went to Walmart Pharmacy and inquired about the cost of Rifaximin. They had to run it through my insurance and it came out as two hundred and something. AND they didn't have it in stock so they'd have to order it. I decided to try the Flagyl first. If it doesn't work, I can still get the high-priced stuff. If it does work, I'll have saved $200.

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