April 22, 2008

It's Somebody's Birthday

Happy Birthday to Marie!

child licking spoongirl with puppy
These pictures are from the early 70's. Other than the birthday girl, we see me (was my hair really that long?) and puppy Spotsy.

We were living in a townhouse in Alexandria at the time.


  1. Funny thing - two of these were in my "Reject" collection. That's an album of pictures not good enough for the family album but with redeeming qualities. They were waiting for Photoshop, which wasn't invented yet. For instance, the picture of Marie licking the spoon was cute but distracting items surrounded her. And the photo of her with me was off-center and crooked. Changing the format from square to rectangular and cropping in Photoshop made them into pleasing images.

  2. Rejected from the album because of poor cropping... not because of the subject matter, Marie. In some cases I put pictures in the reject album because they were just too goofy, like me in a witch wig, or your dad in front of a "meanest s.o.b. in the valley" poster. It was the narrow brown album.


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