April 20, 2007

Show your dog who is the leader

I recently read Leader of the Pack by Nancy Baer and Steve Dunno. It's a short book on earning your dog's respect by behaving as a pack leader - consistently. It was recommended by a dog trainer.

The chapters begin with a vignette of wolf behavior showing the importance of having leaders and a specific aspect of canine leadership. The authors then switch to pet dogs, using as an example a dog with the cute name of Bobo. Here are their key tenets:
  1. Eat before Bobo.

  2. Sleep higher than Bobo.

  3. Initiate and control interactions.

  4. Go first, not last.

  5. Control all space in the home.

  6. Maintain a dominant posture.

  7. Begin and end play.

  8. Be fair, calm, and confident.

  9. Be a good provider and protector.

We do well on some of these but need to work on others. I found this book to be very instructive.

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